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Rideau Hall, Friday, May 1, 2015
There are many words that come to mind during these ceremonies, as we recount your deeds, as you receive this honour.
I could keep going—there are so many words that could be used to describe what you’ve been through, what you’ve done.
Of course, it boils down to one simple fact: you risked your own life to save another.
And while this one action has given so much to those you’ve saved or to friends and families of those whose lives were at risk, you give all of us hope. You give us hope that there are good people who will do the right thing when faced with a life-threatening act.
When I look out at you, I see those good people, with good hearts and good intentions. I see people who will not do the easy thing or the safe thing. You don’t shirk responsibility or pass it on to someone else.
You acted bravely. You did the right thing, and you did it because it was the right thing to do.
In you, I see proof of humanity and decency and courage in the world. It doesn’t fade, doesn’t tarnish. It remains as pristine today as it did during the first bravery award presentation more than 40 years ago.
That is why I still get goose bumps each time I present these awards, every time I hear stories of bravery.
Stories of animal attacks, of violent offenders, of car accidents, of fire, of rapid waters, of all types of dangers that are overcome by first responders, loved ones and strangers, by men, women and children. Stories that make the heart race, the pulse quicken. Stories of determination in the face of overwhelming odds.
And through it all, there is the humility that they show at every turn.
Humility is a common sentiment at bravery ceremonies, and today is no different.
You have gathered here at Rideau Hall, so that we may pay tribute to you on behalf of all Canadians.
I am proud to be standing before you. You are compassionate, courageous people. You have shown all of us the true definition of selflessness, and have earned our respect and our gratitude.
Thank you.