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The position of governor general is considered the oldest public office in Canada. It dates back to colonial times, when monarchs appointed governors to act as their intermediaries in State affairs. In 1608, Samuel de Champlain—a governor in all but name—fulfilled several duties and responsibilities that would later be carried out by the governors of New France and, after Confederation in 1867, by governors general of Canada.
Over the years, the role and responsibilities of the governor general have changed and evolved under the French and British regimes and after Confederation. As the role of the governor general has changed, so, too, has our Office. Our actions are driven by the past, present and future of our country.
Our Office has been helping Canada’s governors general to connect, honour and inspire Canadians for more than 150 years. Our mission is to support the governor general and serve Canadians. We are also honoured to be the storytellers of Rideau Hall, in Ottawa, and the Citadelle, in Québec, the official residences and workplaces of the governor general of Canada.
Our work
The Office of the Secretary to the Governor General (OSGG) supports the Governor General in fulfilling his/her constitutional, State and ceremonial responsibilities.
We are also responsible for planning and implementing the Governor General’s program and the many activities he/she undertakes with, and on behalf of, Canadians in communities across the country and abroad, as well as with the Canadian Forces as Commander-in-Chief. These activities serve to recognize outstanding achievement and the pursuit of excellence by Canadians, and to foster national identity, unity and pride. They also promote Canadian values such as respect for diversity, community participation and public education.
To help Canadians understand the roles and responsibilities of the Governor General and how he/she fulfills them, the Office offers both a public information program and extensive visitor and interpretation programs at the Governor General’s historic official residences at Rideau Hall in Ottawa and at La Citadelle in Quebec City. Together, close to 335,000 people visit these sites each year.
Through the Chancellery of Honours, we administer all aspects of the Canadian Honours System, including the Order of Canada, the Decorations for Bravery, the Meritorious Service Decorations, Military Valour Decorations, the Polar Medal and the Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers. The Chancellery is also home to the Canadian Heraldic Authority, which is headed by the Governor General, and which creates and records armorial bearings in Canada.
The Operating Budget of the OSGG is approved by Parliament and the OSGG is therefore accountable to Parliament for its expenditures. These expenditures are made public through the Public Accounts process at the end of every year.
Our culture
We are proud of the work we do and strive for excellence. Our culture is deeply rooted in a long-standing tradition of service. We welcome members of the Royal family, heads of State, dignitaries and Canadians from all walks of life, all under the same roof. We work closely with the various levels of government, not-for-profit organizations and communities across the country to connect with Canadians and fulfill our mission. This collaboration enriches our work and gives our employees an even greater sense of purpose and accomplishment.
Our vision and mission
Our Office is responsible for supporting the governor general in fulfilling the constitutional, State, ceremonial and other responsibilities of the position.
Our vision is to connect, honour and inspire Canadians.
Our mission is to support the governor general as The King’s representative in Canada and to serve Canadians.
We are responsible for planning and implementing the governor general’s programs and the many activities undertaken across Canada and abroad.
Our activities focus on:
- Showcasing Canada on the world stage
- Recognizing outstanding achievement by Canadians
- Encouraging the pursuit of excellence
- Supporting the governor general as the commander-in-chief of Canada
- Fostering national identity, unity and pride in Canadian values.
Our values
Our employees work together to support the governor general and to serve Canadians with integrity, honour and dedication, in a politically neutral manner. Our Office fosters mutual collaboration, trust and respect by promoting a safe and healthy work environment, where employees are valued for their diversity and expertise.
The core values that guide and motivate our attitudes and actions are:
- Pride and honour in service
- Proficiency in duty
- Respect and trust
- Political neutrality and integrity
- Collaboration and teamwork
Our structure
Our Office is headed by a secretary, who serves both as senior advisor to the governor general and as Herald Chancellor of the Canadian Heraldic Authority, and is supported by an assistant secretary, who provides senior leadership and direction to both programs and internal services.
Our operations teams are divided into distinct branches, divisions and directorates:
Our Events, Visitor Services and Programs Branch is responsible for the governor general’s programs in Canada and abroad. It supports the governor general in connecting with Canadians through public events and visits. Through its visitor and interpretation programs, the Branch also shares the history of our institution with the more than 300 000 Canadians and international visitors who come annually to Rideau Hall, in Ottawa, and the Citadelle, in Québec.
Our Official Residences Branch oversees the provision of hospitality and household services. It is responsible for the OSGG’s security and accommodations portfolio, ensuring that both Rideau Hall and the Citadelle are safe, and well-maintained and serviced environments. This branch also ensures that transportation services are provided for the governor general, and their spouse; the secretary and assistant secretary; and other OSGG staff, as required. Finally, this branch supports the governor general in their role as commander-in-chief of Canada, through the military assistant and aides-de-camp.
Our Chancellery of Honours recognizes and honours Canadians with medals, awards and decorations. It brings to light the stories of our successes and the unsung heroes in our communities. It administers all aspects of the Canadian Honours System and several Governor General’s Awards. The Chancellery is also home to the Canadian Heraldic Authority, which is headed by the governor general, and which creates and records armorial bearings in Canada.
Our Human Resources Directorate oversees the people who work for the governor general. The Directorate fosters a healthy, respectful and inclusive environment where employees are empowered to bring their true selves to work, while also providing strategic advice, strategies and solutions to management.
Our Communications & Public Affairs Branch amplifies and communicates the work of the governor general at home and abroad, and provides strategic communications advice and services.
Our Information Management & Information Technology Division assures the smooth operation of our physical and electronic communications and records. The team assures the security and effectiveness of all our technological tools, maintains physical records for each governor general’s mandate (dating back to 1867), and supports modern electronic records management.
Our Finance Division, including Materiel Management and Procurement, provides financial direction, advice and oversight, assuring the responsible use of public funds for procurement.
Secretary to the Governor General and Herald Chancellor – Ken MacKillop
Assistant Secretary to the Governor General – Maia Welbourne
Director General, Official Residences & Chief Security Officer – Christine MacIntyre
Deputy Secretary of Honours – Brigadier-General Marc Thériault (Ret'd)
Executive Director, Communications & Public Affairs – Farah Boisclair
Executive Director, Events, Visitor Services & Programs – Ryan McAdam
Our federal partners
In addition to the support provided by our Office, six federal government departments and agencies are also mandated to support the activities of the governor general.
- The National Capital Commission is responsible for preservation, maintenance and capital construction projects for all of the official residences located in Canada’s Capital region, including Rideau Hall.
- The Royal Canadian Mounted Police provides support in matters related to the security and personal protection services for the governor general, domestically and abroad.
- National Defence provides logistical support to and transportation for the governor general in an official capacity.
- Public Services and Procurement Canada provides our Office with support for the Citadelle of Québec and accommodation for the Chancellery of Honours, as well as such services as those of the receiver general.
- Global Affairs Canada advises the governor general on all matters related to foreign policy and funds activities related to incoming State visits, as well as the governor general’s international program and activities undertaken at the request of the prime minister.
- Canadian Heritage is the lead department for activities including Royal tours, State funerals, national memorial services and special anniversary celebrations in which the governor general is involved.