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December 10, 2011
Message from His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston,
Governor General of Canada, on the Occasion of Human Rights Day
OTTAWA— I am delighted to join with all Canadians as we mark Human Rights Day, whose inspiring theme this year is “Celebrate Human Rights.”
Since the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 63 years ago, we have made tremendous strides in terms of equality, the fight to end discrimination and respect for human rights.
In Canada, we consider the respect of human rights to be a cornerstone of living in a free and democratic society.
Over the course of the past year, in spite of the repression they faced, in spite of the dangers before them, around the world, thousands of individuals took to the streets to demand their basic rights. Thanks in large part to technology and social media, the people were able to break the silence that enveloped the injustices to which they were subjected. Their voices were heard.
I commend all those who stand up for human rights and who are working to build a smarter, more caring nation. May today be a day marked by profound respect for one another.
David Johnston
Human Rights Day is celebrated every year on December 10th.
Media information:
Marie-Pierre Bélanger
Rideau Hall Press Office
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