- Awarded on: November 28, 2006
Jeannette Lejeune and Susan M. Thorburn, Washago and Orillia, Ontario
Governor General's Caring Canadian Award
If not for the combined efforts and tremendous dedication of Jeannette Lejeune and Susan Thorburn, the Ontario Provincial Police Youth Summer Camp would not be the success that it is today. Together, they steadfastly supported the camp in its infancy and helped turn it into an annual event, which has welcomed 462 children since 1998. As camp coordinators, they work year-round to prepare for the program, consisting of two one week camps during the summer. In addition to raising $42,000 annually through donations, Ms. Lejeune and Ms. Thorburn also supervise the regional coordination of campers and counsellors, process applications and match children with OPP officers. Their resourcefulness and exceptional management skills have enabled many children to enjoy a safe and enriching camp experience.