Medal of Bravery
- Awarded on: April 15, 1991
- Invested on: June 21, 1991
On the morning of January 20, 1989, Milton Chute helped save the life of a man whose car had plunged into the Massawippi River in North Hatley, Quebec. Hearing witnesses screaming that there was someone in the sinking car, Mr. Chute raced to the dock and saw that another man had jumped into the river and was attempting to rescue the trapped victim. Upon this rescuer's calls for assistance, Mr. Chute immediately removed his coat and boots, jumped into the icy waters and swam to the two men. He participated in the rescue of the unconscious victim, all the while assisting the other man who was now tired from the rescue attempt and numb with cold. Mr. Chute was able to help both men gain the dock safely. On August 27, 1990, the other rescuer, Mr. Jimmie Donnachie, was awarded the Medal of Bravery for his part in this incident.