Visit to Nova Scotia

August 14 to 16, 2024

Governor General Mary Simon and Mr. Whit Fraser undertook a visit to Nova Scotia.

This visit was an opportunity for the Governor General to celebrate community and culture, and to meet with individuals who work every day to better the lives of their fellow citizens.

August 14, 2024

The Governor General delivered the keynote address during the Nova Scotia Co-operative Council’s 75th anniversary celebration. She then met with the organization’s leaders and membership.


August 15, 2024

The Governor General went to the l’Échange at La Station Centrale where she visited a variety of exhibitor booths of the local, provincial and international cultural fair, to share in Acadian traditions, talents, arts and food.

In the evening, the Governor General joined Her Worship Pam Mood, Mayor of Yarmouth, to signal the start of the Tintamarre. Tintamarre is an annual parade with thousands of participants banging on pans, ringing bells and making noise in a celebratory manner to commemorate the resilience of Acadian communities who survived the Great Upheaval, a forced expulsion that started in 1755.

The Governor General provided short remarks to celebrate Acadian culture and vitality before the National Acadian Day Concert.


August 16, 2024

The Governor General visited The Flower Cart Group, a non-profit organization which includes supported employment services, day programming and social enterprises, focusing on inclusive social and employment opportunities for adults with diverse abilities or barriers to employment.

Her Excellency also visted the Wolfville Fire Hall and met with firefighters and thanked them for their efforts during the recent flash flooding.