Order of Military Merit Investiture Ceremony

March 21, 2025

Check against delivery

I am honoured to welcome you to Rideau Hall, which sits on the unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishinaabe Nation.

Today’s investiture of the Order of Military Merit bears special significance.

In these times of growing uncertainty and insecurity around the world, the Canadian Armed Forces play a crucial role in shaping and protecting Canada's identity.

By honouring those among you who have shown devotion beyond the call of duty, the Order shines a light on the vital importance of your work for all Canadians to see.

Over the past year, I have had the opportunity to acknowledge your efforts. I presented the Canadian Special Operations Regiment with their new standard, in Petawawa, Ontario. I visited members of Canadian Forces Base Gander and learned about the search and rescue services they provide throughout Newfoundland and Labrador, and north-eastern Quebec. I met with members of the Royal Canadian Air Force at 4 Wing Cold Lake, in Alberta, and with the Canadian Rangers in the North.

The variety of roles you undertake is truly impressive. I feel a profound sense of pride in the remarkable work that you do, in every unit across Canada and during your missions in the Arctic and abroad.

You are upholding Canada's legacy of co-operation and trust with our allies and between nations. This is essential for addressing the global challenges we face today and in the future.

You are fostering an inclusive work environment where each member of the Forces is respected. This aligns with the values of diversity, equality and inclusion that define us as Canadians. I am proud of what the CAF has accomplished in this regard, especially in recent years.

Today, you are receiving this honour because you exemplify the highest ethical standards and military principles.

You have the courage to do what is right, despite danger or difficulty.

You have displayed integrity and loyalty to our country.  

You embody the values that unite us and make Canada stronger.

This honour is a call to continue striving for excellence. It is a call to keep inspiring others and opening doors for them.

It also reflects the dedication and support of your team and your family.

So, before closing, I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to all colleagues, family members and loved ones here with you today.

I also encourage you to take care of yourselves as you pursue this challenging, remarkable career.

To all of you, congratulations.