Message from the Governor General on the 80th anniversary of D-Day and the Battle of Normandy

June 6, 2024

Today, across the country and around the world, we are marking the 80th anniversary of D-Day and the Battle of Normandy. This was an important moment in our history—a battle that helped turn the tide of the Second World War. But the cost of war is high. Too many died and too many others came home with injuries both physical and mental.

We remember the young people who fought by land, sea and air 80 years ago. We also remember the soldiers who stood side-by-side—Allied soldiers from Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom and many others. They came together in common cause, and their resilience and determination changed history.

We must learn from the past, and always strive towards dialogue, understanding and peace. The responsibility to carry these stories and lessons forward, and to teach the importance of remembrance to the next generation, falls to each of us. I know we will take this responsibility seriously.

On this and every day, let us never forget.

Mary Simon

Media information:
Rideau Hall Press Office

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