Message on the Occasion of National Indigenous Peoples Day

June 21, 2018

Message from the Governor General
on the Occasion of National Indigenous Peoples Day

OTTAWA—Indigenous peoples are pathfinders. Generations ago they taught us how to survive in the cold and how to value the gifts of nature all around us. They taught us about community. They are an intrinsic part of our heritage, and they continue to make extraordinary contributions to Canada. 

It is a good thing that we are once again listening to the wisdom of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. Today is a day to honour them. It is a day to celebrate their cultures and identities from coast to coast to coast. And it is a day to rededicate ourselves to reconciliation—or, in the language of the Algonquin peoples upon whose traditional territory I live and work: Kidji minou widjiidinaniwak.

Take the opportunity this day provides to find ways to strengthen our relationship, on the basis of respect and trust. And let us imagine how reconciliation will lead to a better future for all of our children and grandchildren.

Julie Payette 


National Indigenous Peoples Day is celebrated every year on June 21.

Media information:

Marie-Ève Létourneau
Rideau Hall Press Office
613-302-0912 (cell)           

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