Humboldt Broncos Bus Crash

April 8, 2018 

Message from the Governor General of Canada
on the Humboldt Broncos Bus Crash 

OTTAWA—All Canadians have been left shocked and heartbroken since news of the terrible crash that took the lives of 15 persons and left many others hurt in Saskatchewan broke last Friday. We are so saddened by the loss of the young players of the Humboldt Broncos, their head coach and members of their support team. 

Tragedies rarely strike when we expect it, and leave us feeling helpless, unable to reverse the unthinkable. I know the pain of losing a teammate, having lived through the loss of the crew of the Space Shuttle Columbia in 2003. They were colleagues and friends, and we all shared the same dreams. I have never forgotten the pain, the immense sorrow and the sense of powerlessness one can feel at such a crushing loss. 

To face adversity, it is important to stay together and to find comfort, strength and courage in our communities and among our loved ones. We can’t go back in time, nor erase the loss, but we can honour the memory of those who have perished.

To all those who have been impacted by this tragic and devastating accident, to the survivors, to the families who have lost their loved ones and their sons, far too early in their lives, and to the Humboldt community, we grieve with you and stand with you. 

PER ASPERA AD ASTRA (Through hardship to the stars.) 

Julie Payette 


Media information

Marie-Ève Létourneau
Rideau Hall Press Office
613-302-0912 (cell)