Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day

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June 24, 2017 

Message from the Governor General of Canada
on the Occasion of Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day

OTTAWA—It is always a pleasure to mark Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day, a day for Francophones and francophiles like me to celebrate, in myriad ways, a language, culture and heritage that are helping to shape who we are.

In honour of the national holiday of Quebec and Canada’s Francophonie, a multitude of activities have been organized right across our country. With the 150th anniversary of Canada, large-scale performances featuring Francophone and francophile artists will be presented tonight in several Canadian cities.

Now is the time to come together and celebrate! Happy Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day, everyone!

David Johnston


Media information:

Marie-Pierre Bélanger
Rideau Hall Press Office
613-852-3248 (cell.) 

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