Holocaust Memorial Day

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April 23, 2017 

Message from the Governor General of Canada
on the Occasion of Holocaust Memorial Day 

OTTAWA—On this Holocaust Memorial Day, I believe we have a responsibility to take a moment to pause and reflect on one of the darkest chapters in human history. 

The rights and freedoms we enjoy today came at an extremely high cost, and we must continue to work together to preserve them. 

The ignorance, intolerance and hate that fueled the horrors of that period will never justify the extermination of six million Jews during the Second World War. As untenable as that monstrous episode was, it is vital that we understand its significance, learn from it and do everything in our power to ensure that the atrocities of the Holocaust are never repeated. 

Today, I join with Jewish communities the world over in marking Yom HaShoah and in paying tribute to those who lost their lives and those who survived and are with us still. 

David Johnston 


Media information:

Marie-Ève Létourneau
Rideau Hall Press Office
613-302-0912 (cell)