Attack on a Mosque in the City of Québec

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January 30, 2017 

Message from the Governor General of Canada
Following the Attack on a Mosque in the City of Québec

OTTAWA?Yesterday’s shooting in the City of Québec was a terrible tragedy. My wife Sharon and I offer our deepest condolences to all those affected by this horrific attack and extend our support to the entire Muslim-Canadian community at this difficult time. 

To be a Canadian is to be a citizen of a diverse, inclusive society. The shooting was an attack on our traditions, our values, on what it means to be a Canadian. Throughout our history, our greatest advances have come as a result of renewing and strengthening our commitment to inclusiveness—to the tolerance of and respect for difference. This is the story of Canada. This is the glue that holds us together and has allowed us to build a society that, while far from perfect, is in many ways the envy of the world. 

This is a difficult time, but I am optimistic about our future, and heartened by the outpouring of compassion and support from Canadians across the country in response to this attack. Terrible things can and do happen here, but we have faced adversity before. We have overcome acts of hatred in the past, and we will again.

We stand with all Muslim-Canadians on this and every day. 

David Johnston



Media information:

Annabelle Cloutier
Rideau Hall Press Office
613-301-2764 (cell)