2017 Black History Month

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February 1, 2017

Message from the Governor General of Canada
on the Occasion of Black History Month

OTTAWA— Each year, in February, we celebrate Black History Month and enrich our understanding and appreciation of Black history, an intrinsic part of the great experience that is Canada.

We are among the most eclectic nations in the world. In this diverse country and in our increasingly globalized world, the only true and lasting success is shared success. People of different backgrounds constitute one of our biggest strengths, and when we work together to foster understanding and find common ground, we are that much closer to creating the smarter, more caring world to which we aspire.

I invite you to celebrate the contributions made by members of the Black community of our country. I wish you a wonderful Black History Month.

David Johnston 


Media information:

Julie Rocheleau
Rideau Hall Press Office

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