International Volunteer Day

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December 5, 2016 

Message from the Governor General
on the Occasion of International Volunteer Day 

OTTAWA—International Volunteer Day 2016 celebrates the contributions of volunteers and their commitment to peace and sustainable development. This year’s theme is #GlobalApplause – Give Volunteers a Hand. 

One of the ways in which we can build a smarter, more caring nation is to renew and cultivate our desire to help one another. Without expectation of recognition, thousands of Canadians have already distinguished themselves by their generosity, altruism and dedication to others. Such selflessness is so important, not only to ensure the well-being of our communities, but also to inspire new generations across our country to give of themselves. 

Let us make the most of this day to extend our warmest thanks to all those who believe in the importance of the common good and have acted on that belief.

David Johnston


Media information:

Marie-Ève Létourneau
Rideau Hall Press Office 


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