Holocaust Memorial Day

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May 4, 2016

Message from the Governor General of Canada
on the Occasion of Holocaust Memorial Day

OTTAWA— A child asks the questions: Why did six million Jews die? Why were so many persecuted? How many were just like me?

We have no answer. At least, no answer good enough. There is no reason beyond hate, suffering and evil intentions. Those of the Jewish faith—and others who were thought of as “different”—were hunted and rounded up, treated as less than human. They were told to forget who they were and where they came from. They were tortured, beaten and killed. 

Today, Jewish communities around the world mark Yom Hashoah by defying that edict. They celebrate who they are, they remember those who never made it through the Holocaust, and they honour the survivors who are still with us today.

Today, we change the question. Not why and how, but what. What do we do to make sure this never happens to any people, race or cultures on our planet? 

David Johnston




Media information:

Julie Rocheleau
Rideau Hall Press Office