Holiday Message to CAF Members

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December 24, 2016 

Message from the Governor General and Commander-in-Chief
to the Members of the Canadian Armed Forces 

OTTAWA—My wife, Sharon, and I would like to send our warmest wishes to all members of the Canadian Armed Forces and their families during this joyous holiday season. We know how committed you are to your work and we recognize the many sacrifices that this requires, from you and from your loved ones. No matter where you are, please know that you are in our thoughts. 

Whether you are answering the call of duty in Canada or abroad, whether you are working in the Royal Canadian Navy, Canadian Army or Royal Canadian Air Force, we are always impressed by your professionalism and the dedication with which you assume your responsibilities.

We are deeply grateful for the incredible work that you do so that an ever-growing number of people have the privilege of living in peace and freedom. Our country and our world benefit from your outstanding compassion and kindness, and from what you accomplish on a daily basis.

As we approach the 150th anniversary of Confederation, and in the spirit of this holiday season, we join with all Canadians in extending to you our heartfelt thanks.

We wish you a merry Christmas filled with peace and joy. 

David Johnston 


Media information:

Marie-Ève Létourneau
Rideau Hall Press Office


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