Death of Captain Thomas McQueen

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November 29, 2016 

Message from the Governor General and Commander-in-Chief 
of Canada Following the Death of Captain Thomas McQueen

OTTAWA—Sharon and I join all Canadians in mourning the tragic loss of Captain Thomas McQueen, who was killed during an air training accident near the Cold Lake Air Weapons Range in Saskatchewan.

A member of 401 Tactical Fighter Squadron, 4 Wing Cold Lake, Captain McQueen was a dedicated pilot who gave so much to Canada. Like his fellow Royal Canadian Air Force members and all those who comprise the Canadian Armed Forces, Captain McQueen strongly believed in duty and service to country. He served with honour, and we will be forever grateful.

On behalf of all Canadians, we offer our condolences to the family members, loved ones and colleagues of Captain McQueen. Our thoughts and prayers are with them in this difficult time.

David Johnston


Media information:

Marie-Pierre Bélanger
Rideau Hall Press Office