2016 Victoria Day

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May 23, 2016

Message from the Governor General of Canada
on the Occasion of Victoria Day

OTTAWA—It is an honour to celebrate Victoria Day so soon after Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II celebrated her 90th birthday this past April. In view of her extraordinary reign, it is with humility and tremendous pride that I serve as The Queen’s representative in Canada.

I have always admired our Sovereign for her unwavering dedication to the Crown, her sharp wit and her ability to connect with everyone she meets.

What’s more, I will have the privilege of travelling to London in June to take part in celebrations marking Her Majesty’s official birthday and to convey to her, on behalf of all Canadians, our best wishes for health, happiness and peace.

This Victoria Day, let us remember our historic ties with the Royal Family within the context of our constitutional monarchy.

David Johnston


Media information:

Marie-Ève Létourneau
Rideau Hall Press Office

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