Presentation of Meritorious Service Decorations and Decorations for Bravery

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Rideau Hall, Friday, June 26, 2015



It’s a pleasure to welcome all of you to Rideau Hall for this special ceremony.

Today, we present both the Meritorious Service Decorations and the Decorations for Bravery to members of the Canadian Armed Forces, as well as to members of the United States Armed Forces.

Service and bravery. These two words say so much about the members of our military, so much about your dedication to helping others and to making our country a better place to live.

These words say so much about who you are and what you do.

And in hearing of your accomplishments, I’m humbled by what you’ve done.

You took an assigned task and excelled at it.

You addressed challenges and showed leadership in the field.

You saw someone in danger and reacted without hesitation or concern for your own well-being.

And through your actions, through your service, through your bravery, you’ve brought great honour to the Canadian Armed Forces, to Canada and to yourselves.

Wherever I’ve gone in Canada and around the world, I have seen this commitment from you, our men and women in uniform.

I’ve seen first-hand how you serve your country. I’ve seen your leadership and the quality of your work, your meritorious service.  

And I’ve seen your bravery.

In fact, all of you show bravery each and every day as you serve your country. But those of you receiving Bravery Awards have gone above and beyond.

You risked your life to save another’s, even when it went against all odds.

You did so in uniform and while off-duty.

You proved yourselves to be both compassionate and courageous.

And for all that, we owe you our gratitude.

I’ve also seen one other thing during my travels: your humility.

You do what you do not with the expectation of recognition, but with the intention of doing your very best and keeping your comrades-in-arms and those you protect safe.

You have a keen sense of duty that drives you to do more, to go above and beyond what is asked of you.

As commander-in-chief, I’m honoured to recognize your efforts. What’s more, I’m delighted to share your accomplishments with all Canadians.

What you do is so important.

What you bring to our nation is extraordinary.

Your responsibilities require you to wear many different hats. You act as soldiers, peacekeepers and ambassadors for our country. But above all, you show the qualities that will keep the Canadian Armed Forces strong, fair and disciplined. And you inspire the next generation of soldiers to serve proudly.

You’re among the very best, and I look forward to seeing what you do next. Thank you for your service, leadership, humility and bravery. And congratulations to all of you.

Thank you.