Presentation of the Governor General’s Caring Canadian Award

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The Citadelle, Quebec, Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Thank you all for being here.

You’re an inspiration!

You come from towns and cities right across this country.

You’re making those communities better places to live, work and play.

Each of you has given generously of your time and your talents.

You’ve done so for many years, without expectation of reward or recognition.

You’ve done so for one reason:

Because you care.

You show it in so many different ways—too many for me to list in a short speech.

What unites your efforts is the impulse to give back, to share, to roll up your sleeves and help others.

The Caring Canadian Award is presented as a token of gratitude for the countless hours you’ve given to good and worthy causes.

This award is to say “thank you” for everything you do.

And it’s to encourage other Canadians to follow your lead.

On that note, I’d like to ask one more small favour from you!

I’d like you to think of other deserving people from your respective communities, and I want you to consider nominating them.

We’ve even launched a web platform to help you with the task at And it’s making it easier than ever to nominate someone!

One of the wonderful things about this award is that it truly is a grassroots honour.

It’s from the community, for the community.

Each of your names was put forward by someone who knows about the countless hours of volunteer work you put in.

To be honoured by one’s community and by one’s country at the same time: that’s the beauty of the Caring Canadian Award.

I’m so grateful for all of your hard work and dedication. You’re most deserving of this honour.

Congratulations, and thank you.