Order of Canada Investiture Ceremony

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Rideau Hall, Wednesday, September 23. 2105


What a privilege it is to welcome you to Rideau Hall, the home of the people of Canada, for this investiture!

Rideau Hall is a very special place, but it’s also a building like any other, which means occasionally renovations need doing.

It’s a fact of life when you live, work and host in a 177-year-old building!

While preparing for today’s ceremony, I started thinking about some of the renovations that have been done here recently.

It reminded me that Rideau Hall is a work-in-progress, and in this, it’s just like Canada.

You of all people understand this.

The Order of Canada’s motto is DESIDERANTES MELIOREM PATRIAM:

They desire a better country.

You desire a better country, and you know our work is never done.

Whether we’re talking about a building or a nation, the need for renovations, improvements and innovations is constant, because without them, to borrow from Yeats, “things fall apart.”

You understand that complacency is among our greatest risks.

As the fortunate citizens of a stable, prosperous and democratic society, it’s one of the biggest challenges we have to overcome.

What does all this have to do with you?

The answer’s simple: we need your help.

To employ another architectural metaphor, the Order of Canada is the cornerstone of the Canadian Honours System.

And in fact, I’ll go even further and call this group of people you’re now part of the cornerstone of Canada. 

A cornerstone is a foundation stone—the first stone laid in a masonry construction that determines the shape and strength of the entire structure.

Thus, to call the Order of Canada the cornerstone of Canada is to say that those who belong to it have a critical role to play in the country we’re all building.

The reason you’re here today is because you’re among the most talented, driven and respected individuals in the country.

And each of you belongs to networks of people who are making important contributions to Canada and to the world.

Now, you’re part of a new network.

We call it the Order of Canada.

I’d like you to think about how you can leverage the remarkable talent, compassion, creativity and resources of this network to further our efforts to build a better Canada.

Let it inspire new ideas, new energy, new dreams and partnerships and achievements.

As you step forward for your investiture, think of yourself as crossing a threshold.

What lies beyond is up to you, but the possibilities have never been greater.

Congratulations, on behalf of all Canadians, on this well-deserved honour.

Wear your lapel pin proudly!

And thank you for everything you have done and continue to do for Canada.