Canadian Multiculturalism Day

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June 27, 2015

Message from the Governor General of Canada
on the Occasion of Canadian Multiculturalism Day

OTTAWA— Canada has been called an experiment in diversity and multiculturalism. Our country stands as an undeniable proof that people from around the world can live together in harmony. This, I believe, is one of our country’s greatest gifts to the world and a powerful example of what can be accomplished when we remain committed to the values of democracy, equality and mutual respect.

Canadian Multiculturalism Day gives us the opportunity to celebrate our rich diversity and to recognize the contributions that various multicultural groups have made within our communities.

I invite all Canadians to make the most of this occasion, and I wish you all an enjoyable day.

David Johnston  


Canadian Multiculturalism Day is celebrated on June 27 of each year.

Media information:
Dominique Collin
Rideau Hall Press Office

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