Message on the Occasion of Remembrance Day

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November 10, 2011


Message from His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada, on the Occasion of Remembrance Day


OTTAWA—As commander-in-chief of Canada, I am honoured to mark Remembrance Day, a day that for nearly a century has commemorated the ultimate sacrifice made by Canadian soldiers in their pursuit of a world in which peace and security are paramount.

We are fortunate to live in a country where democracy, respect for human rights and the rule of law are fundamental principles. We are able to enjoy this incredible privilege because of the valour of those Canadians who, throughout our history, answered the call to serve our country, defending the values that we hold dear.

The terrible price that they paid during the conflicts that shaped our era reflects the sad reality of times of war, but it also speaks to the tremendous courage and unwavering determination needed to successfully complete their missions. We will never forget the men and women who, in spite of the danger and perils, gave their all to protect the ideals of justice and freedom. They deserve our gratitude and utmost respect.

November 11 is a day on which the poppy is proudly worn over our hearts. On this day, I invite all Canadians to fulfill their duty to remember and to pay tribute to our fellow citizens, who lost their lives.



David Johnston




Media information:

Christelle Legault
Rideau Hall Press Office