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June 27, 2010
Message from Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, Governor General of Canada, on the occasion of Canada’s Multiculturalism Day
OTTAWA—Multiculturalism is a trait of our society and, in my eyes, an invaluable treasure, a key to success and one of Canada’s driving forces.
While we have the tremendous privilege across this majestic land of living in a mosaic of cultures, languages and religions, I delight in the idea of rethinking the world in terms of bringing cultures together. By focusing on our common values rather than our differences, and by emphasizing equality and mutual respect, we create a marvellous opportunity to open up to others and enter into fruitful dialogue. This can help advance the way we reflect on a global scale, and infuse that reflection process with greater insight.
On Canada’s Multiculturalism Day, I invite all my fellow Canadians to celebrate our rich diversity, and each of the wonderful individuals and groups in our own communities that contribute to that diversity.
Michaëlle Jean
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Media information:
Julie Rocheleau
Rideau Hall Press Office