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Results 402701 to 402725 of 402867
Name | Location | Honour | Institution |
Tyler P. Zwicker | Saint John, New Brunswick | Exemplary Service Medals | |
Gary Zwicker | Hamilton, Ontario | Exemplary Service Medals | |
Andrew B. Zwicker | Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia | Exemplary Service Medals | |
Barry J. Zwicker | Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia | Exemplary Service Medals | |
Owen Zwicker | Yarmouth, Nova Scotia | Exemplary Service Medals | |
James Zwicker | Simpsons Corner, Nova Scotia | Exemplary Service Medals | |
Jan Zwicky | Heriot Bay, British Columbia | Order of Canada | |
Bart Zwiep | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Queen Elizabeth II's Golden Jubilee Medal (2002) | |
Phillip Zwier | Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta | Exemplary Service Medals | |
Francis Zwiers | Victoria, British Columbia | Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee Medal (2012) | |
V. V. Zwirewich | Hamilton, Ontario | Exemplary Service Medals | |
Thomas Zwissler | Langley, British Columbia | Exemplary Service Medals | |
Gregory Zwizdaryk | Toronto, Ontario | Exemplary Service Medals | |
Joseph Zwolak | Hamilton, Ontario | Exemplary Service Medals | |
Marcel J. Zwolman | Milton, Ontario | Exemplary Service Medals | |
Seth Zwozda | Hudson Bay, Saskatchewan | Governor General's Academic Medal | Hudson Bay Community School |
Gene Zwozdesky | Edmonton, Alberta | Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee Medal (2012) | |
Anna Zwozdesky | Edmonton, Alberta | Queen Elizabeth II's Golden Jubilee Medal (2002) | |
Gene Zwozdesky | Edmonton, Alberta | Queen Elizabeth II's Golden Jubilee Medal (2002) | |
Stephan David Zyba | Cold Lake, Alberta | Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee Medal (2012) | |
Gregory Zybala | Guelph, Ontario | Exemplary Service Medals | |
Olivia Zych | St. Catharines, Ontario | Governor General's Academic Medal | Denis Morris Catholic High School |
Stefan Zych | Toronto, Ontario | Exemplary Service Medals | |
Deanna Zychkowski | Whitewood, Saskatchewan | Governor General's Academic Medal | Whitewood School |
Kalyna Zydek | Thorhild, Alberta | Governor General's Academic Medal | Thorhild Central School |