- Awarded on: August 5, 2014
Marielle Landry, Rivière-Bleue, Quebec
Anne Martin, Saint-Jacques, New Brunswick
Samuel Moreau, Packington, Quebec
Brigitte Morin, Dégelis, Quebec
Émilien Nadeau, Dégelis, Quebec
Lise Pelletier, Fort Kent, Maine, United States of America
Huguette Plourde, Saint-Léonard, Quebec
Nicole Plourde, Madawaska, Maine, United States of America
Normand Thériault, Sainte-Anne-de-Madawaska, New Brunswick
Since 2008, communities in Quebec, New Brunswick and Maine have been working to prepare for the 2014 Congrès mondial acadien. Many volunteers have made important contributions, but a few stand out. Émilien Nadeau and Normand Thériault, co-presidents of the Congrès, have led the organization of this complex, tri-border event. Marielle Landry has played a pivotal role in planning its opening ceremony. Anne Martin, Samuel Moreau, Brigitte Morin and Huguette Plourde have coordinated regional activities for their respective venues. Lise Pelletier and Nicole Plourde joined forces to prepare events taking place in Maine. Thanks to their efforts, and those of so many others, the Acadian diaspora remains a proud, dynamic and vigorous people.