Medal of Bravery
- Awarded on: January 19, 1981
- Invested on: March 09, 1981
Donald Irwin, M.B.
Constable William Richard Willis, M.B.
Medal of Bravery
On 7 June 1979, Donald Irwin, along with Cst. Willis of the Edmonton Police, saved a man from drowning in the North Saskatchewan River. Mr. Irwin was jogging along the river bank when he saw the man being swept towards the intake of the Rossdale Power Station. He ran down the high bank and swam ten yards out to the victim. Though he tried to pull the man to shore, both were carried along by the strong current. Cst. Willis, in answer to a call put in by witnesses, arrived at the bridge and swam out to the two men, and with Mr. Irwin's assistance he managed to get the man to shore. Both Cst. Willis and the victim were taken to hospital and recovered.