Medal of Bravery
- Awarded on: December 22, 1978
- Invested on: March 09, 1979
On 30 October 1977, at Camp Borden, Ontario, WO Edgar Weatherbee of CFB Trenton saved a comrade from falling to his death. The two were taking part in a paratroop exercise from a Hercules aircraft. WO Weatherbee jumped from port side and the other man followed from starboard. The latter was drawn beneath the aircraft by the propeller blast and became entangled in WO Weatherbee's parachute, causing it to collapse. As they fell it became apparent that the man could only be freed if the other deployed his reserve parachute. They were thus separated, and WO Weatherbee managed to seize his companion and control his fall. The man made a soft landing but WO Weatherbee suffered a compressed vertebra and has been forbidden further parachute duty.