Medal of Bravery
- Awarded on: July 26, 1982
- Invested on: October 06, 1982
David Churm, M.B.
Frank Czukar, M.B.
James Redwood, M.B.
Constable James Smith, M.B.
OPP Constable Ronald Wakley, M.B.
Medal of Bravery
In the early evening of 29 December 1980, David Churm, Frank Czukar, James Redwood, OPP Cst. Ronald Wakley, and Cst. James Smith of the Hamilton-Wentworth Regional Police, took part in a rescue on a highway in Flamborough about fifteen kilometres north of Hamilton, Ontario. When a road-sander collided with an oil tanker the two occupants of the former had been thrown on the pavement near the tanker, which on impact had burst into flames. Cst. Wakley, who was off-duty at the time, ran from his home to the scene of the accident. With the help of Mr. Churm, and despite the threat of another explosion, he dragged the unconscious driver a safe distance away. Aware of the danger with the spectacular fire causing intense heat and smoke - Mr. Czukar, Mr. Churm, Mr. Redwood and a patrol officer, Cst. James Smith, combined their efforts to remove the passenger of the sander to safety.