Medal of Bravery
- Awarded on: January 12, 1987
- Invested on: March 06, 1987
Melvin Peter Roasting, M.B.
Albert Dean Wildcat, M.B.
Medal of Bravery
July 4, 1985, teenagers Melvin Roasting, Albert Wildcat and another were riding their bikes around the town-site when they noticed thick smoke issuing from the windows of a house. Through a basement window, they saw a man lying on a cot surrounded by flames. Two of the boys, Roasting and Wildcat, entered the house by breaking down a door. The third boy was sent to call for help. The two teenagers went down into the basement and saw flames only two and a half metres from the man. Although the victim weighed twice as much as either boy, they managed to carry him up the stairs, their footsteps dogged by flames. Once outside, they laid the man on the grass and waited with him until he regained consciousness.