Paul Gordon Blair

The contents of this Register are intended for research purposes only. The heraldic emblems found in the Register may not be reproduced in any form or in any media without the written consent of the Canadian Heraldic Authority and/or the recipient.

Winnipeg, Manitoba
Grant of Arms and Flag, with differences to James Britton Blair
June 15, 2022
Vol. VIII, p. 102

Arms of Paul Gordon Blair
Arms of Paul Gordon Blair
Flag of Paul Gordon Blair
Differenced Arms for James Britton Blair, child of Paul Gordon Blair
Arms of Paul Gordon Blair

Arms of Paul Gordon Blair


Sable a saltire between four crocuses Or;


For Mr. Blair, black represents humility and service. The gold crocuses allude to his patron saint, St. Chrysanthus, whose name means “golden flower” and to the floral emblem of Manitoba, his home province. Finally, the saltire refers to the Christian faith and to Scotland, the country of Mr. Blair’s ancestors.





This Latin phrase means “I will rise again.” It refers both to the Christian doctrine regarding the resurrection of the dead and to advice that Mr. Blair’s father gave to him during a difficult time.

Flag of Paul Gordon Blair

Flag of Paul Gordon Blair


A banner of the Arms;


The symbolism of this emblem is found in other element(s) of this record.

Differenced Arms for James Britton Blair, child of Paul Gordon Blair

Differenced Arms for James Britton Blair, child of Paul Gordon Blair


The Arms of Paul Gordon Blair debruised of a three-point label Gules during his father’s lifetime; This individual will ultimately inherit the Arms;


The symbolism of this emblem is found in other element(s) of this record.



Canada Gazette Information

The announcement of the letters patent was made on October 29, 2022 in Volume 156, page 5125 of the Canada Gazette.

Letters patent granting heraldic emblems to Paul Gordon Blair

Additional Information


Original concept of Paul Gordon Blair, assisted by the heralds of the Canadian Heraldic Authority.


Katherine Golightly


Kathy Feig

Recipient Type
