The contents of this Register are intended for research purposes only. The heraldic emblems found in the Register may not be reproduced in any form or in any media without the written consent of the Canadian Heraldic Authority and/or the recipient.
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Supplementary Letters Patent
June 7, 2000
Vol. IV, p. 449
Supplementary Letters Patent for Walter von SchoenhausenBlazonGules masoned Argent thereon issuant from base a rose bush proper flowered Argent barbed Vert seeded Or on a chief embattled Argent a coronet erablé Gules; SymbolismRed and white are the colours of Canada and Austria. The rose bush climbing the masoned wall refers to the name Schoenhausen, which means “beautiful house”. The wall is taken from the arms of the city of Innsbruck, Austria, the home of Mr. Von Schoenhausen’s ancestors, and the maple leaf coronet indicates his service to Canada. |
CrestBlazonA griffin sejant Gules beak legs and hind parts Argent the dexter talon resting on an anchor also Argent; SymbolismThe griffin alludes to the German state of Baden. The anchor refers to Mr. Von Schoenhausen’s work in the naval service. |
MottoBlazonPAX ET NOBILITAS; SymbolismPAX ET NOBILITAS means “Peace and nobility.” |

Flag of Walter von SchoenhausenBlazonA Banner of the Arms; SymbolismThe symbolism of this emblem is found in other element(s) of this record. |

Flag of Walter Von SchoenhausenBlazonA Standard in the hoist the Arms the fly per fess Argent and Gules charged with a representation of the Badge; SymbolismThe symbolism of this emblem is found in other element(s) of this record. |

Badge of Walter von SchoenhausenBlazonUpon a torteau masoned Argent a rose also Argent barbed Vert seeded Or; SymbolismThis combines the wall and the rose symbolism from the arms. |
Additional InformationCreator(s)Not applicable PainterNot applicable CalligrapherNot applicable Recipient TypeIndividual Other InformationOne or more entries related to this Recipient's emblems appear elsewhere in the Register: Volume IV, p. 3. |