Patrice Lambert

The contents of this Register are intended for research purposes only. The heraldic emblems found in the Register may not be reproduced in any form or in any media without the written consent of the Canadian Heraldic Authority and/or the recipient.

Québec, Quebec
Grant of Arms and Badge, with differences to Noémi Lambert and Olivier Lambert
September 15, 2011
Vol. VI, p. 67

Arms of Patrice Lambert
Arms of Patrice Lambert
Badge of Patrice Lambert
Differenced Arms for Noémie Lambert, daughter of Patrice Lambert Differenced Arms for Olivier Lambert, son of  Patrice Lambert
Arms of Patrice Lambert

Arms of Patrice Lambert


Azure a hypotrochoid Or;


For Mr. Lambert, blue symbolizes communications, his field of endeavour. Yellow represents the sun, a symbol of energy. With the hypotrochoid, suggestive of an electron, it represents Mr. Lambert’s career as an electronics technician. The interlaced loops, reminiscent of a Celtic pattern, suggest Mr. Lambert’s Scottish roots. The hypotrochoid also evokes a camera shutter and a star, photography and astronomy being two of his passions. It also suggests a rotated eight, symbolizing infinity and the Métis Nation, to which several of his relatives belong.



A dexter hand proper grasping two lightning bolts in saltire Or and a thistle palewise proper;


The hand holding the thistle refers to Mr. Lambert’s Scottish roots and the fact that he is a Fellow of the Thistle Council. The lightning bolts again convey the symbolism of the electron and suggest the saltire of the Scottish flag.





Meaning “I hold!”, this war cry responds to that of the chief of Clan MacLeod, “Hold Fast”, Mr. Lambert being the representative of Clan MacLeod in Quebec.





Meaning “Wholeheartedly”. This Gaelic motto pays tribute to Mr. Lambert’s ancestors, Peter Macleod, who belonged to Clan Macleod of Lewis.

Badge of Patrice Lambert

Badge of Patrice Lambert


The Crest encircled by a belt Azure buckled, edged and inscribed J’Y TIENS! in letters Or;


The symbolism of this emblem is found in other element(s) of this record.

Differenced Arms for Noémie Lambert, daughter of Patrice Lambert

Differenced Arms for Noémie Lambert, daughter of Patrice Lambert


The Arms of Patrice Lambert debruised in the dexter chief by a butterfly volant; this individual will inherit the Arms of the Recipient following his death;


The butterfly is dependent on its environment and suggests that life is fragile. Therefore it symbolizes Noémie’s career in biology and environmental studies. The ephemeral quality of butterflies makes this an appropriate non-permanent symbol of cadency.

Differenced Arms for Olivier Lambert, son of  Patrice Lambert

Differenced Arms for Olivier Lambert, son of Patrice Lambert


The Arms of Patrice Lambert within a bordure Or;


The border, a traditional Scottish cadency mark, evokes the family’s Scottish roots and duty to honour them.



Canada Gazette Information

The announcement of the letters patent was made on March 24, 2012 in Volume 146, page 747 of the Canada Gazette.

Letters patent granting heraldic emblems to Patrice LambertLetters patent granting heraldic emblems to Patrice Lambert

Additional Information


Original concept of Patrice Lambert and Manon Labelle, Miramichi Herald, assisted by the heralds of the Canadian Heraldic Authority.


Linda Nicholson


Shirley Mangione

Recipient Type
