December 10, 2024
Governor General Mary Simon welcomed six new heads of mission to Canada during a ceremony at Rideau Hall.
During the ceremony, the following new heads of mission presented their credentials to the Governor General:
Her Excellency Esme Jynet Chombo
High Commissioner for the Republic of Malawi
His Excellency Alfredo Fabião Nuvunga
High Commissioner for the Republic of Mozambique
His Excellency Agostinho de Carvalho dos Santos Van-Dúnem
Ambassador of the Republic of Angola
Her Excellency Shazelina Binti Zainul Abidin
High Commissioner for Malaysia
His Excellency Nikolaj Harris
Ambassador of the Kingdom of Denmark
His Excellency Alessandro Cattaneo
Ambassador of the Italian Republic
Our nations have a long history of working together on shared priorities. It’s through our conversations and by sharing our expertise that we can develop solutions to today’s most pressing issues.
Upon their arrival in Canada, new heads of mission must present their letters of credence to the governor general before they can carry out their duties. Letters of credence are the official documents that accredit a diplomat as an ambassador of or high commissioner for another country.