375th Anniversary of Montréal

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May 17, 2017

Message from the Governor General of Canada
on the Occasion of the 375th Anniversary of Montréal

OTTAWA—Today, we celebrate a remarkable event in the history of Montréal: its 375th anniversary. My family and I lived in this great, vibrant multicultural city for nearly 20 years. My five daughters grew up there, and even now, Montréal still feels like home for our family.

On this milestone occasion, let us think back over its long history and remember the Francophone and Indigenous roots that formed the basis of its founding and evolution into a diverse, dynamic and inclusive city. Let us all come together to celebrate our collective heritage.

David Johnston


Media information:

Marie-Ève Létourneau
Rideau Hall Press Office
613-302-0912 (cell)

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