Round-Table Discussion on Young Entrepreneurs and Start-ups (Amman, Jordan)

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Amman, Jordan, Sunday, October 30, 2016


Thank you for warmly welcoming our Canadian delegation to this business development centre.

We’re delighted to join you for this important dialogue on opportunities for young entrepreneurs.

I believe Canadians have much to offer when it comes to business and start-up expertise.

We likewise look forward to learning from you about your experiences in Jordan. 

In fact, I’m following in the footsteps of one of my daughters, Jenifer, who worked with Jordan’s Ministry of Information and Communications Technology in Amman in 2001 to set up a NetCorps Jordan program based on a Canada equivalent. Hundreds of technically skilled young Jordanians were matched with community organizations to connect them to the internet and to build local technical capacity.

It was a wonderful experience for her, and a project that speaks to Jordan’s commitment to innovation, entrepreneurship and opportunity for young people.

As you may know, Canada is home to a vibrant start-up community. We strive to support young entrepreneurs and to encourage them to turn their ideas into innovations.

Canadians do so because we recognize that innovation is a major driver of productivity, economic growth and development to improve our society.

And our two countries, Jordan and Canada, have a shared interest in fostering innovation and improving our competitiveness.

None of it happens without entrepreneurs, and this is where this centre and each of you play an important role.

By supporting start-ups and nurturing young entrepreneurs, you are building your economy and stimulating growth.

And another way we do that?

Through greater partnership between our two nations.

Canada and Jordan have made strides on this front. The Canada-Jordan Free Trade Agreement—Canada’s first with an Arab country—is increasing our trade and business links.

Let’s use these deepening ties to build stronger partnerships and work together on building innovative economies.

Despite the geographic distance that separates our nations, young entrepreneurs in both Canada and Jordan share a dynamic, innovative spirit.

Let’s work together to support that talent and energy, to ensure that they flourish and find an outlet.

Working together, I know we can do it.

Thank you.