Death of Former Israeli President Shimon Peres

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September 27, 2016 

Message from the Governor General
Following the Death of Former Israeli President Shimon Peres 

OTTAWA— Every so often, our lives are graced by the presence of truly remarkable individuals. They teach us invaluable lessons about compassion, fairness and generosity. They give us innumerable memories and a life of service that changes societies for the better. 

Shimon Peres meant so much to Israel, to Jewish people in Canada and around the world, and to the friendship between our nations. He called Canada an extraordinary friend during his State visit to our country in 2012, and I remember quite clearly the impression he left on me as a socially-conscious man, driven by his love of Israel. 

Though he is no longer with us, I hope that the legacy he left—as former president and prime minister of Israel and as a Nobel Peace Prize recipient—will let us strive for a better, more peaceful world. He will be missed and remembered by all those whose lives he has touched. 

My wife, Sharon, joins me in offering our deepest condolences to the citizens of the State of Israel, as well as the friends and family of Mr. Peres.   

David Johnston


Media information:

Marie-Ève Létourneau
Rideau Hall Press Office


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