Her Majesty’s Historic Reign

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September 9, 2015
Updated on September 9, 2015, 5 p.m. 

Message from the Governor General of Canada
Marking the Historic Reign of Her Majesty The Queen

OTTAWA— There are few people in the world who are as respected or admired as Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Today, Her Majesty surpasses Queen Victoria as the longest-reigning sovereign in Canada’s modern era. But this day is less about longevity, than about all that Her Majesty has accomplished in her time as our Queen.

Her Majesty is part of our country’s history. As our Queen, she has conducted 22 Royal Tours of Canada, and has visited communities in all provinces and territories. She has been here to mark important events such as our centennial, the opening of the Montréal Olympics, the signing of our Canadian Constitution into law and Canada Day. She is colonel-in-chief of many units in the Canadian Armed Forces, has always addressed our people in both official languages, and has shown a keen and deep interest in our vibrant society.

The Crown is an integral part of our system of responsible government, which itself has origins dating back to the Magna Carta. It has been an unbroken and stable presence in Canada. With every visit, Her Majesty reminds us of the importance of the Crown in our constitutional monarchy. 

During these past 63 years, The Queen has inspired so many, myself included, with her poise and compassion, and with her devotion to service.

On behalf of all Canadians, I thank Her Majesty The Queen for her love of and dedication to our country.

Long may she reign.

                                                                                    David Johnston


Media information:

Julie Rocheleau
Rideau Hall Press Office

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