Presentation of the Governor General’s Caring Canadian Award

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St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, Thursday, May 21, 2015


It’s a pleasure to be here to celebrate caring Canadians in the great province of Newfoundland and Labrador.

What’s more, Sharon and I are pleased to be here at Government House alongside public figures of generosity in this province: Their Honours Frank Fagan and Patricia Fagan.

In fact, Their Honours have shown their generosity here again by opening their doors to this ceremony. What better place to honour caring Canadians?

Today, I’m delighted that they can join me in presenting these Caring Canadian Awards.

Let me start by saying thank you to each of our recipients.

Thank you for what you have done for your communities.

Thank you for taking action when you saw someone in need.

Thank you for making this a smarter, more caring nation.

Your story is part of a larger, compassionate narrative that I have seen across this country. It’s made up of individuals like yourselves who are devoting time and talent to helping others.

You’re also inspiring and encouraging more generosity in Canadians. After all, one act of kindness begets another.

And really, that’s why it’s so important that we recognize all that you’ve done. By sharing your story, we have a chance to reach more Canadians, to influence more people to give back, to find what I like to call their “giving moment.”

It’s part of the ripple effect of giving.

When someone gives to us, freely and generously out of the goodness of their hearts, it makes us want to give back. And when we hear stories of giving, we are motivated to do good ourselves.

Your generosity of spirit gives all of us hope that things can improve, that our world can be made better, one small step at a time.

You were nominated by those who know you and your efforts best. What better way to show gratitude than by ensuring that you are recognized for your deeds?

I hope that you will, in turn, nominate a deserving Canadian that you know.

What type of person are we looking for?

When we look for caring Canadians, we look for those who have made a difference with their giving, who have created hope and strengthened families, who have given back to their communities in ways both big and small.

In other words, we look for people like you.

Let me say, once again, thank you for all that you do, and congratulations on receiving this award.