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February 1, 2013
Message from His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General of Canada, on the Occasion of Black History Month
OTTAWA—Since 1995, Black History Month has provided Canadians with a wonderful opportunity to reflect on and learn more about the invaluable contributions that Canada’s Black community has made in every field of endeavour.
This year, the Government of Canada has chosen to spotlight the contribution of Black soldiers in the fight for Canada. Indeed, militias of African origin were instrumental in defending our vast and majestic territory. During the War of 1812, for example, the 200th anniversary of which we have just commemorated, they fought valiantly alongside British forces during pivotal battles for our country. Nonetheless, their achievements, which were essential to building the great nation that we know today, often continue to be overlooked.
Throughout February, a wide range of activities will be taking place across the country to recognize and highlight our rich collective heritage. I encourage all Canadians to take part in the celebrations and wish you a memorable month.
David Johnston
Media information:
Marie-Ève Létourneau
Rideau Hall Press Office
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