Reception in honour of Paralympic athletes in Paris

August 31, 2024

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Dear athletes, you bring us great emotions!

So much talent. So much determination. Incredible strength.

Paralympic dreams are the most inspiring of all.

Each one of you has an exceptional story to tell. 

A story filled with challenges, hard work, good days and bad days – and hope.

But you have persevered.

You have kept going.

You have broken down barriers. You have challenged perceptions. You have been actively involved in your communities back at home, raising funds and speaking in schools to promote health and diversity.

And here you are today, facing off against the best athletes in the world. Many of you have achieved rare feats—and broken world records—in your sport.

You have shown that everyone can aspire to sporting excellence, and inspire Canada.

Young Canadians are watching you – and many will find in your stories the courage to pursue their own dreams.

You are already nurturing the next generation of Canadian Para athletes!

Congratulations to all our Team Canada athletes!

Thank you all for carrying an important message to the world: when we choose inclusion, all of humanity is stronger for it.

To the families of the athletes and their committed coaches here tonight: thank you. These accomplishments are yours as well.

Behind every Paralympic moment, there is a good pep talk, a confidence booster, that made all the difference. Your amazing support is part of the foundation for athletes to strive.

I also want to thank all of the volunteers, organizers and staff at the Canada Paralympic House and Team Canada for your contributions in making this important event a reality.

Congrats everyone!

Good luck for the coming days!