Governor General’s Performing Arts Awards Gala

June 8, 2024

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Good evening, 

I am delighted to be here with all of you, gathered on the unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishinaabe people, to celebrate the performing arts.

Indigenous peoples have been sharing their art for centuries. Through their stories, and their music, they share their culture, heritage and language. They contribute to our rich national tapestry.

Tonight, we celebrate excellence in the performing arts. We’ve seen some fantastic performances so far, with more still to come.

The performing arts have a unique ability to touch our hearts and inspire change. Performances can unite. Performances can spark emotion and provoke us to think and challenge us to see the world from new perspectives. These are unforgettable moments of beauty, truth and transformation.

What has struck me the most is the exceptional talent we have here in Canada. Just look at who we’re honouring tonight. They are innovators and trailblazers who have shown us vision and passion through their work. We are grateful for their contributions and for leaving a mark on our cultural landscape, as well as around the world.

To all the recipients of this year’s Governor General’s Performing Arts Awards, I offer my congratulations.

Your talent and dedication have brought you to this moment … your passion will carry you forward to inspire the next generation of artists.

I wish everyone here a wonderful evening as we continue to celebrate the enduring power of creativity and community.

Thank you. Merci. Miigwetch. Nakurmiik.