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March 8, 2009
OTTAWA—My husband, Jean-Daniel Lafond, and I were deeply saddened to receive word of the death of Trooper Marc Diab with The Royal Canadian Dragoons, based in Petawawa, and of the injuries sustained by four soldiers from a roadside blast during their patrol in the Sha Wali Kot District, located north-east from Kandahar.
Despite the ever-present threat of violence and the inherent risk of the task at hand, our Canadian Forces members continue to pursue justice in a land scarred by violence and chaos. They believe that the Afghan people are entitled to the same dignity and freedom from fear we often take for granted, and which come at great cost.
Behind Trooper Diab stands the entire Canadian military family: mothers and fathers, wives and husbands, children and siblings, colleagues and comrades-at-arms. Today, we join with them and our thoughts are also with the injured. We wish them a swift and complete recovery. Rest assured that your sacrifices do not go unnoticed, and that your contributions will not be forgotten.
Michaëlle Jean
Media Information:
Marie-Ève Létourneau
Rideau Hall Press Office